Firearms Training & Ownership FAQs

We're sure, based on our experience, that you probably have questions. We've answered some of the common ones we get regularly. Of course, you may have some different ones so feel free to ask when you call us, or you can send us a message.

Firearms FAQs related to our courses

Can I bring my own gun?

Yes! And we encourage it! While we are happy to rent you a gun for your training, it will not be the gun you use if a deadly threat occurs! Understanding YOUR gun is paramount for your safety! However, it must have all manufactures safety features in place, and you must have an outside-the-waistband (OWB) holster. No “pocket” pistols or thigh holsters.

I have my gun, but not the safety gear.

We have safety equipment that is available for rent!

I want to rent BSFC’s gun, but I have ammo. Can I use it?

Unfortunately, no. If you rent our gun for training, you will need to purchase our ammo for safety concerns.

Do I need to do a background check?

We run a background check on all participants after course registration. If you have criminal convictions, we will not be able to provide you with training as this may be a violation of the law. Additionally, we DO NOT offer refunds.

Is this like militaristic type training?

Not at all. While safety is absolutely paramount, this is a fun training experience! Our job is to make you comfortable with operating a handgun!

I am interested in having my child take a class. At what age can they participate?

Yes! That is fantastic that you would get your child into firearms training! Participant age is minimum of 14 years old.

Can I buy Ammo from Big Sky?

Possibly. Currently, we only have limited ammo (9mm) for use with our rental guns. However, once the rental customers are supplied, any remaining ammo can be purchased.

General Firearms FAQs

What are some basic firearm safety rules?

The Four Cardinal Rules of Firearm Safety are:

  1. Treat every firearm as if it's loaded.
  2. Never point your gun at anything you're not willing to destroy.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot.
  4. Be aware of your target and what's beyond it.

This is the foundation of responsible gun ownership and use.

Why should I seek professional training?

You should enroll in a reputable firearms training course so that you will be comfortable and safe when you use your firearm. These courses cover topics such as firearm handling, shooting techniques, situational awareness, and legal aspects of gun ownership. Proper training will help you develop the necessary skills and confidence to handle firearms safely.

Gun use is not something you can just "pick up", or learn from a non-qualified instructor like a friend or family member.

How much time should I spend working with my firearm?

That's not a simple question to answer as everyone learns at different rates. And you may have a simpler, or more complicated firearm to someone else. However, regular study and use of your firearm and its workings, especially at the beginning, is crucial and there's no substitute for time spent doing this.

Confident and safe gun ownership and use only come through time and the development of muscle memory. This is not something you'll learn from taking the gun to the range occasionally. Nor will you learn the safe and correct operation of your firearm if you don't use it regularly and receive proper training.

In addition to receiving proper instruction from a licensed instructor, you should take the time to understand the specific features, controls, and operation of your firearm. Read the manufacturer's manual thoroughly, ensuring you know how to load, unload, and safely engage and disengage safety mechanisms.

Does each state have different gun laws?

Yes. Though some are very similar, and many states will accept Arizona's CCW permit as being legal in their state, knowing local laws for the state you're in is imperative. You can read about state gun laws on the ATF Firearm State Law page.

You should familiarize yourself with local laws so that you fully understand them, then ensure that you comply with those laws. Each state has specific laws regarding firearm ownership, concealed carry permits, transportation, and storage, so make sure you are familiar with the specific regulations.

Is there special safety equipment I need?

Yes. To safely operate your firearm in a training situation, the minimum equipment you should use is a pair of quality safety glasses and a pair of ear protection.

Eye and ear protection safeguards against potential injury from noise, debris, or ejected casings. This applies whether you're at a range with other shooters, or by yourself on a deserted piece of land.

If you're unsure of what may be suitable, please ask.

I've never been to a range before. Do you have advice on how to act there?

When at a shooting range or engaged in any shooting activity, adhere to the range's rules and guidelines. 

At all times, remember the Four Cardinal Rules of Firearm Safety:

1. Treat every firearm as if it's loaded.
2. Never point your gun at anything you're not willing to destroy.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot.
4. Be aware of your target and what's beyond it.

How often should I perform maintenance and inspections on my firearm?

This is related to the amount of use your firearm gets. You should clean and maintain your firearms according to the manufacturer's instructions every time you use them. At the same time, you should inspect your firearm for any signs of damage or wear that may affect its safety or reliability. Never neglect to repair and maintain!

Unless you are confident of your ability to repair a firearm, always take your firearm to a licensed, reputable armorsmith for repair. Remember that a firearm is a dangerous piece of equipment.

So, once I've done your course I'm good to go?

Yes, until you're not! Weapons ownership is a privilege. Firearms use is a perishable skill like any other skill - use it, or lose it!

Stay updated on firearms laws, safety practices, and shooting techniques. Attend refresher courses or workshops to enhance your skills and knowledge. Participating in shooting competitions can also improve your proficiency under controlled circumstances.

How do I store my firearm?

Firearms storage is controlled by state laws. Regardless of local laws, responsible firearms owners should always store firearms securely and out of reach of unauthorized individuals, especially children. Use locked cabinets, safes, or dedicated gun vaults to prevent accidents or theft. Ammunition should be stored separately from firearms.

Can I carry my firearm in a vehicle in Arizona?

This is allowed in Arizona with certain restrictions. These can be reviewed on the Arizona State Legislature website.

I'm going to a different state to live/vaction/etc. What are their laws?

There are many sites that can help with this. Here are a couple that do a good job of giving you that information.

Giffords Law Center


Note that Big Sky Firearm Concepts has no affiliation with any of these sites and is not responsible for the content on them.